Site Selection Criteria
Maayanot’s Site Exploration Committee includes volunteer community members from across the Twin Cities who work in the fields of real estate development and architecture. Early on, they decided to look for a site and a building that would best suit the needs of a community mikveh, rather than a specific geographical location. Some of their considerations included a place that:
Is co-located with another Jewish organization, so we can amplify each others' missions and values and promote partnerships in our Jewish community.
Is easy to reach from various locations in the Twin Cities and beyond because it is near a highway and on a public transportation route.
Has the proper means for collecting mayyim hayyim, living water, according to the specifications of a kosher mikveh.
Has a space that can include a mikveh pool, a preparation room, a beit din room, a mechanics room, a gathering space for education and celebrations, and a waiting area.
Is financially feasible.
Is accessible to people of all abilities.
Has a modest presence with a private entrance.
Is well-lit, not isolated, and has ample parking.
Has a security system.
Has direct access to an outdoor space.
Has natural light.
We are very excited about several possibilities and will announce our chosen location in the near future.